Publication Credits



Bruch, C., Batra, G., Anand, A., Chowdhury, S., & Killian, S. (2024). Conflict-Sensitive Conservation: Lessons from the Global Environment Facility.



Cai, Y., JieLan X., & Drinkall, S. (2023) Ride-hailing while female: Negotiating China’s digital public sphereConvergence, The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.



Fujikura, R., Nakayama, M., Sasaki, D., Taafaki, I., & Chen, J. (2023). Family and community obligations motivate people to immigrate—a case study from the Republic of the Marshall Islands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(8), 5448.

2022 Editor Doerr, M. J. (2022). The Songs of J. Will Callahan: Tin Pan Alley’s Blind Lyricist. McNaughton & Gunn.
2022 Author Drinkall, S., Leung, J., & Micky, K. (2022). Migration in the midst of a pandemic: A case study of Pacific Islanders in OregonJournal of Disaster Research17(3), 372-379.
2022 Acknowledgment McClain, S. N., Bruch, C., & Fujii, M. (2022). The methodology and application of a migration with dignity framework. Journal of Disaster Research, 17(3), 308-314.
2021 Collaborator Fujikura, R. (2021). Mitigating the impact of resettlement caused by infrastructure developments. Impact, (3), 67-69.
2021 Contributor National Technology Roadmap for Pandemic Response and Recovery. (2022). Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute.
2020 Acknowledgment Cai, Y. (2020). Rethinking empowerment: seeking justice, not just sustainability. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 546-555.
2020 Acknowledgment Cai, Y. (2020). Visualizing vulnerability for inclusive community resilience: Photovoice evidence from the PhilippinesJournal of Planning Education and Research.
2020 Acknowledgment Cai, Y. (2020). Opportunities for all: inclusive and equitable sustainable development. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 439-448. 
2019 Author Drinkall, S., Leung, J., Bruch, C., Micky, K., & Wells, S. (2019). Migration with dignity: a case study on the livelihood transition of Micronesians to Portland and Salem, Oregon. Journal of Disaster Research, 14(9), 1267-1276.
2019 Author Fujikura, R., Nakayama, M., McClain, S. N., & Drinkall, S. (2019). Addressing the health problems after immigration faced by the Marshallese in Springdale, Arkansas: Lessons learned from the city of Vienna. Journal of Disaster Research, 14(9), 1309-1316.
2019 Author Nakayama, M., Drinkall, S., & Sasaki, D. (2019). Climate change, migration, and vulnerability: Overview of the special issue. Journal of Disaster Research, 14(9), 1246-1253.
2019 Acknowledgment Bruch, C., Jensen, D., Nakayama, M., & Unruh, J. (2019). The changing nature of conflict, peacebuilding, and environmental cooperation. Environmental Law Reporter, News & Analysis, 49, 10134.
2019 Acknowledgment Environmental Rule of Law: First Global Report. (2019). UN Environment
2018 Acknowledgment Peca, E., & Sandberg, J. (2018). Modeling the relationship between women’s perceptions and future intention to use institutional maternity care in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Reproductive Health, 15, 1-17.