An Interrogation of Classic Assimilation Theory in Miami-Dade County
1) Is the classic assimilation model applicable for immigrants in Miami-Dade County? In other words, are members of an ethnic group outside the enclave more assimilated than within the enclave?
2) (Where) do suburban enclaves exist and how are they constituted?
3) Do different ethnicities assimilate in similar fashions?
4) Particularly, how do second generation immigrants assimilate?
Miami-Dade County
Given a variety of enclaves in close proximity, a study area of Miami-Dade County analyzed at the census tract scale (see figure below) provides a compelling case study to interpret assimilation theories and define the enclaves.
Overall, the linear assimilation model, which posits a sequential path of acculturation into the main—and an unrelenting effort by the minority population to assimilate—by this analysis proves not to hold for Cubans in Miami-Dade County, as suburban enclaves facilitate multi-generational communities that have maintained ethnic concentration and language while still achieving economic success.